Friday, June 08, 2007


At our house, there are several repetitive conversations. Before we get to that, though, I've noticed that one general difference in men and women is how they wash their bodies clean. Women, for the most part, take baths. Men, for the most part, take showers. What I can't understand is why a woman would want to sit in that old dirty bath water when they could just as easily wash it down the drain? Yuck! I suppose they might say that they aren't as dirty as we men are, and therefore, they don't really have dirty water. I say, "Pooh!"

Everyone should admit that showers are more sanitary, refreshing, and conducive to a healthy society. I know, because I shower, and I would never consider sitting in dirty water. I'm a responsible member of society, and as such, it is my moral obligation to urge showering upon every human bean in our overly crowded, grungy and grimy, messy and mucky, yea, even scummy and scuzzy world.

Which brings me back to a conversational deadlock. My office is somewhat near to the upstairs bathroom. It's the place where all of the dirt (hopefully) goes down the drain. The other night, in an attempt to maintain the ties that bind, I asked Teresa a question (I was just trying to keep open the lines of communication). She followed with this one. "I don't know why you insist on talking to me when I'm taking a bath (in dirty water)." I quickly rejoined, "I don't know why you insist on taking a bath while I'm trying to talk to you." There are times in every marriage when men have to take the intellectual highroad of facetiousness. Like now.

There are some questions that will never satisfactorily be answered, but there is one question that I'm frequently asked, and I will try to answer it today. "What resources would you recommend to people struggling with depression or BPD?"

I've not read every book on the subject, but I have read every book that came to hand. In my personal library, I have 19 volumes and several pamphlets that deal with some aspect of mental illness. Some of those are very helpful, and some just take up space. I have also read everything that is available at the public library, every place that I have lived. So, all in all, I've probably read 50+ books on mental health issues.

Using an Okie/Arkie method of citing, here are some that I would recommend. (1) The Depression Sourcebook by Brian Quinn (this helped me self-diagnose my BPD); (2) The Feeling Good Handbook by David Burns (excellent for psychological depression); (3) The Lies We Believe by Frank Minirth and others; (4) Dealing With Depression Naturally by Syd Baumel (with caution); (5) Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide by David Miklowitz (very good); (6) Love Is A Choice by Frank Minirth and others; (7) The Natural Health Bible by Steven Bratman; (8) New Hope for People With Bipolar Disorder by Jan Fawcett; (9) Worry-Free Living by Frank Minirth and others; (10) Mosby's Nursing Drug Reference (in words you can understand); (11) Prescription For Nutritional Healing by Phyllis Balch; (12) Surviving Manic Depression by E. Fuller Torrey.

There are many other good books out there. I would check first at the local library, and then I would read all of the reviews on Then you will be better able to decide what you want to purchase for your own library.

Coming Soon: I will share with you some websites that I have found to be helpful.

On a sadder note, another one of our members lost a son to suicide this week. This is what motivates me to be involved in this ministry. That, and my own personal needs. If you and I can help even one person, it will all be worth the time and effort. Get the word out. Do what you can to support hurting people.

["I'm so low, I could do a ten minute free-fall off the edge of a dime."]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a test only.